

Ts Eliot在现代主义与新批评之间的关键联系,制定了传统理论(传统和个人才能),受到欧文巴巴特和ezra磅(并以EZRA COUN(并以BR Leavis认可)的启发,这声称FIFE主要的艺术作品,过去和现在,形成了“理想顺序”(这是传统本身),也是如此通过随后的艺术作品保留,持续和培养。这意味着当代作家应该在传统中找到自己的位置,并努力扩大传统。艾略特通过引起突出的“丹特,形而上学诗人(英国形而上学诗人)和法国象征者来有效地重新定义了欧洲文学传统。他还提出了诗歌的“非个人”性质,“诗人,但表达他的个性,而不是他的个性。精确的思想和感觉或“外部世界的物品和事件用于表达”思想和情感“的综合性的”客观相关性的“客观相关性。采用客观的相关性往往会统治语言的详细程度,并使语言简洁,具体和精确的情绪相应对象诗歌诗歌的观点。

Ts Eliot的图像结果

The works of Modernist writers such as Marcel Proust, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Pirandello and Kafka were marked by a self-reflexivity and a self-consciousness regarding the process of literary composition, an awareness of the author’s position in the chain of literary tradition, acknowledgement of the problematic nature of language, alternate definitions of reality and a perception of the complex roles of time, memory and history in the creation of the self and the world. Thus the language in Modernist works is more suggestive and cryptic (rather than explicit statements), often marked by irony, ambiguity and paradox, and a breakdown of the narrative structure, which are typical values advocated by the New Critics and Russian Formalists. Modernist poetry tends to be fragmented, creating its own internal logic of emotion, image, sound, symbol and mood, and despite the apparent disintegration and fragmentation, there is an underlying unity, as best exemplified in浪费土地。文本实验的现代主义Penchant是由纯文本分析的新批判性的新批判性的。




