
一个完整的章节他们所携带的东西,蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O 'Brien)的《雨河上》(On the Rainy River)讲述了他在1968年夏天收到征兵通知并考虑逃往加拿大时所面临的困境。这个故事建立在《他们所携带的东西》(The Things They carry)的主题之上,即尴尬和名誉是比勇气和勇气更强大的动机。在那篇文章中,奥布莱恩观察到士兵们“害怕脸红……把他们带到战争的地方,没有积极的,没有荣耀或荣誉的梦想,只是为了避免耻辱的脸红”(21)事实上,在《雨河上》的开头,他承认自己从未讲述过即将发生的故事,因为他为此感到羞愧。他想象在1968年,当面临去战争的决定时,他会表现得勇敢,就像独行侠,会打开“多年来一直在我体内积累的勇气的秘密储存器”(43)。相反,他发现这个决定要复杂得多,让人不知所措,很大程度上是因为他的良心和名誉之间的分裂。他发现越南战争背后的历史事实和政治原因“笼罩在不确定性之中”(44),而且比他保守的中西部家乡的人们愿意理解的要复杂得多。然而,在他批评他们以简单的非黑即白的方式看待这场战争的同时,他说他“害怕嘲笑和谴责”(48),并想象着如果他真的逃到加拿大,他们会怎么说他。这件事可以归结为“火辣而愚蠢的羞耻”。 I did not want people to think badly of me. Not my parents, not my brother and sister, not even the folks down at the Gobbler Café” (54). And, with his notions of masculine identity based on idealized figures who act bravely and decisively, and finding himself torn between the fear of dying and the fear of shame, he experiences a kind of intellectual paralysis, what he terms “a kind of schizophrenia . . . a moral freeze” (48, 59).

Tim O ' brien /维基

After O’Brien walks off the line at a pork-processing plant job that summer, drives to northern Minnesota, and ends up at an old fishing resort, the Tip Top Lodge, he encounters a more attainable and accepting vision of manhood in the owner, Elroy Berdahl. O’Brien calls him “the hero of my life” (51), largely because Berdahl is “a silent, watchful presence” (51) who “never pried . . . [and] never put me in a position that required lies or denials” (52). Unlike the people in his hometown, who will gossip and believe that the decision to go to war is an easy one, Berdahl realizes—or so O’Brien assumes—that in such a situation “words were insufficient . . . [and that] the problem had gone beyond discussion” (54). When Berdahl takes O’Brien fishing on the Rainy River, which separates Minnesota from Canada, he is confronted with the decision between one life or the other. In retrospect, he feels that Berdahl “meant to bring me up against the realities . . . to take me to edge” (58). But, faced with the choice and imagining a host of people, real and imaginary, on both shores encouraging him one way or the other, the fear of shame holds him back from jumping overboard and swimming to Canada. Even as O’Brien cries in the boat over his future, Berdahl does not speak but maintains a “mute watchfulness” (62), neither condemning nor praising his decision. The next day, he returns to his hometown and off to Vietnam not for moral, ethical, religious, or political reasons but “because I was embarrassed not to” (62). Turning the binary oppositions of bravery and cowardice on their head, he confesses that “I was a coward. I went to the war” (63).

这种颠倒是奥布莱恩叙事的典型,反映了一种后现代视角,在这种视角下,传统的二元对立被瓦解,剩下的只有“不精确和偶然的真理”(Kaufmann 333)。在这部小说的重要文章,凯瑟琳卡罗威指出,O ' brien的故事显示一个“认识论矛盾”,他们作为“多维windows的战争,世界讲战争故事的方式可以从许多不同的角度和愿景”(249 - 250)。奥布莱恩指出,在战争中,“唯一确定的是压倒性的模糊性”(88),战争就像“巨大的幽灵般的迷雾,厚重而持久”。这是不清楚的。所有的漩涡。旧的规则不再有约束力,旧的真理不再正确”(88)。而且,如果知识和信仰是建立在虚幻的基础上,那么虚构可能反而提供了一条通向真相的更诚实的道路。事实上,在另一个故事中他们所携带的东西奥布莱恩断言,“故事的真相有时比发生的真相更真实”(203),老鼠凯利(Rat Kiley)等人物为了发现潜在的情境感,在故事中虚构和夸大事件,这一观察结果得到了加强。O ' brien自己实践这种夸张时,他承认在“如何讲述一个真实的战争故事”,他告诉的故事令人毛骨悚然的死亡的婴儿水牛没有发生,但它是必要的让“几件事来得到真正的真理”(91)。此外,奥布莱恩在《雨河上》中所面临的困境在他的另外两部小说中以修改的形式出现,如果我死在战区去追卡恰托,人物去那里打仗是因为他们羞于不去。然而,他在演讲中谈到这些事件时表示,“这些都不是真的……没有Elroy,没有Tip-Top Lodge,没有养猪场…我这辈子从来没去过雨河。”最后,奥布莱恩认为虚构的目的是“在真相不足以证明真相的时候找到真相。”

分析Tim O'Brien的携带的东西

考夫曼,迈克尔。《糟糕形式的慰藉:蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O ' brien)在《说到勇气》(Speaking of Courage)中对越南的后现代主义修正》(The Solace of Bad Form: The postmodernism Revisions of Vietnam)。’”46号评论,不。4(2005年夏季):333-343。
O ' brien,蒂姆。他们所携带的东西。纽约:企鹅出版社,1991年。——“写越南。”主题演讲。布朗大学。1999年4月21日。


