
Nothing by Shakespeare before仲夏夜之梦它是平等的,在某些方面,他一无所获。这是他的第一台毫无疑问的杰作,存在缺陷,也是他左右的巨大独创性和力量戏剧之一。

- Harold Bloom,莎士比亚:人类的发明

仲夏夜之梦是威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的第一部漫画杰作,仍然是他最受欢迎和表演的一部戏剧。似乎合理地声称,在夏季的任何一个美好的夜晚,在世界某个地方的户外剧院中,观众正在接受戏剧的魔力。但是,很容易忽略熟悉的鲜明原创和实验性游戏。仲夏夜之梦是莎士比亚早期的戏剧创作事业的胜利,这是一部如此明显的创造力和有远见的戏剧,以至于它的第一批观众一定只对这位非凡的剧作家的接下来可能会带来惊讶。莎士比亚在其中改变了他从希腊人和罗马人继承的舞台喜剧范式,通过使自己的情节繁殖,并带来浪漫爱情中心舞台的不合理和荒谬的幻想,这改变了他从希腊人和罗马人那里继承的。他建立了人类的激情和性别关系为喜剧的主要主题,改变了从那以后我们文化中一直存在的爱,求爱和婚姻等基本概念。如果那还不够仲夏夜之梦利用其浪漫的阴谋,超自然的环境和乡村愚蠢,对艺术与生活,外观与现实,真理和幻觉,梦想,梦想与醒来的世界之间的关系提出了基本问题,这些世界预见了这种前卫的自我参考议程,元载体主义者饰演Luigi Pirandello,Bertolt Brecht和Tom Stoppard。仲夏夜之梦代表了舞台上解放的一种宣言,在该舞台上,它的例子似乎没有限制或不可能。在雅典公爵的戏剧《泰西斯》中,在听到恋人关于森林中发生的事情的奇怪故事之后,通过将恋人与疯子和诗人联系起来来解释他们的令人难以置信的帐户:

The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen


莎士比亚首先在1590年代初以亨利六世的戏剧赢得了戏剧声誉,并以他开创的历史记录流派。他的早期悲剧 -泰特斯·安德罗尼库斯(Titus Andronicus)Romeo and Juliet- 和喜剧 -The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, The Comedy of Errors,爱的劳动失去了- 所有展示剧作家在他从古典,中世纪和英国民间消息来源继承的戏剧性惯例中工作。和仲夏夜之梦莎士比亚超越了模仿,发现一种独特的声音和方式会增加新的戏剧性物种。后仲夏夜之梦有古老的喜剧,新喜剧,现在是莎士比亚喜剧,这是两者的综合。解释的起源和方式仲夏夜之梦长期以来,学者们一直依靠一个如此恰当和令人回味的投机性故事,即使没有坚定的证据可以支持它,也必须相信它。被认为是在1593 - 94年冬季写的仲夏夜之梦因此,类似于文艺复兴时期的面膜,是寓言和神话制定,音乐,舞蹈,优雅的服装和精致的戏剧性效果的幻想混合物,可以在庆祝订购,婚礼和季节性节日(例如五月天和第十二夜)等宴会上进行娱乐。用These修斯在他自己的婚礼上的话说,这座面膜“在我们的后代和睡前时间之间磨损了三个小时 /之间的长时间。”We do know from the title page of its initial publication in the First Quarto of 1600 that the play “hath been sundry times publikely acted” by Shakespeare’s company, but the notion that it had served as a wedding entertainment establishes the delightful fun-house mirroring of an actual wed-ding party first watching a play that included a wedding party watching a play. Such an appropriate scrambling of reality and illusion reflects the source of the humor and wonder of仲夏夜之梦


仲夏夜之梦是莎士比亚的39片中仅有的三场比赛之一(另外两部是爱的劳动失去了暴风雨)戏剧对此不依赖中央主要来源。取而代之的是,莎士比亚从古典来源,浪漫的叙事和英国民间材料中汇集了元素,以及普通的伊丽莎白女王生活的细节,以使四个不同的想象领域与四个不同的想象领域并列,每个领域都有其独特的社会和文学惯例和语言。每个人都与爱的主题及其障碍相结合。第一个是雅典公爵These修斯的经典法院世界,她首先征服了亚马逊女王希波利塔,然后赢得了她的心,现在(不耐烦地)期待他们的婚礼。他们即将来临的婚礼促使自然界的使节到来,,,,和Snug—to devise a theatrical performance as entertainment at the Duke’s wedding celebration. To the world of the Athenian court, the alternate supernatural court world of the fairies, and the realistic sphere of the Athenian artisans, Shakespeare overlaps a fourth center of interest in the young lovers Hermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius. Shakespeare mixes the dignified blank verse of Theseus and Hippolyta with the rhymed iambic speeches of the lovers, the rhymed tetrameter of the fairies, and the wonder-fully earthy prose of the rustics into a virtuoso’s performance of polyphonic verbal effects, the greatest Shakespeare, or any other dramatist, had yet sup-plied for the stage.

当赫米亚的父亲埃格斯(Egeus)反对女儿对莱桑德(Lysander)而不是德米特里(Demetrius)的偏爱时,这种并发症开始了,埃格斯(Egeus)为她选择了。Egeus援引雅典法律规定死亡或独身,因为女仆拒绝遵守父母的权威,以选择伴侣。父母反对年轻恋人的选择是希腊新喜剧以及莎士比亚继承的普拉图斯和特伦斯的罗马喜剧的标准情节装置。莎士比亚的恋人道路上的障碍增加了他对早期的阿里斯帕克(Aristophanic Old Comedy)在日常生活的正常状态的差异,这使他的恋人逃到了森林中。评论家诺斯鲁普·弗莱(Northrup Frye)称这种象征性的神奇再生和活力为“绿色世界”。在这里,恋人经过考验,并允许自由和新的可能性获得实现和和谐在文明世界中否认他们,在这种世界中,义务主导着父母权威的愿望和义务,而法律则自我利益和内心的提示。评论家C. L. Barber在莎士比亚喜剧中脱离了一种“土星模式”,在莎士比亚喜剧中确定了一种“土星模式”,其中恋人从文明到原始供应的流亡到原始的节日发行,这是最早的漫画戏剧形式的特征。理发师认为:


Named for the summer solstice festival, when it was said that a maid could glimpse the man she would marry,仲夏夜之梦庆祝在元素激情和潜意识的掌握中,庆祝所有正常规则和社会障碍的不可思议和分解。恋人在月亮,自然环境中,受到仙女的摆布,以充分展示自己的最大欲望和敌对行动,以全面展示爱的力量和荒谬,以改变现实和赎回现实​​。

Hermia elopes with Lysander, pursued by Demetrius, who in turn is followed by Helena, whom he spurns. They enter a supernatural realm also beset by marital discord, jealousy, and rivalry. Oberon commands his servant Puck to place the juice of a flower once hit by Cupid’s dart in the eyes of the sleeping Titania to cause her to fall in love with the first creature she sees on awakening to help gain for Oberon the changeling boy Titania has refused to yield to him. Oberon, pitying Helena her rejection by Demetrius, also orders Puck to place some of the drops in Demetrius’s eyes so that he will be charmed into love with the woman who dotes on him. Instead Puck comes upon Lysander and Hermia as they sleep, mistakes Lysander for Demetrius, and pours the charm into the wrong eyes so that Lysander falls in love with Helena when she wakes him. Meanwhile Bottom and his companions have retreated to the woods to rehearse a dramatization of the mythological story of Pyramus and Thisbe, another set of star-crossed lovers. Puck gives the exuberant Bottom the head of an ass, and he becomes the first thing the charmed Titania sees on waking. Through the agency of the change of location from court to forest and from daylight to moonlight, with its attendant capacity for magical transformation, the play mounts a witty and uproarious display of the irrationality of love and its victims who see the world through the distorting lens of desire, in which certainty of affection is fleeting and a lover with the head of an ass can cause a queen to forgo her senses and her dignity. As Bottom aptly observes, “reason and love keep little company together now-a-days.” From the perspectives of the fairies the lovers’ absolute claims and earnest rationalizations of such a will-of-the-wisp as love makes them absurd. The tangled mixture of passion, jealousy, rancor, and violence that beset the young lovers after Puck imperfectly corrects his mistake, causing both Lysander and Demetrius to pursue the once spurned Helena, more than justifies Puck’s observation, “Lord, what fools these mortals be!”


我有最罕见的视野。我做了一个梦,经过人的智慧,说那是什么梦。如果他要阐明这个梦想,那人就是一个屁股。。。。我会让彼得·昆斯(Peter Quince)写这个梦想的民谣。它应称为“底部的梦想”,因为它没有底部。

唯一可以看到仙女的凡人也是唯一因他经过的替代幻想领域而不会威胁或减少的角色。他自由地接受了自己不了解的知识,考虑到它在未来民谣中更适合艺术的喜悦,而不是通过理性分析或减少。底部在现实和幻觉的双重世界中轻松地共存,即使通过他的反式形式,从人到屁股到童话皇后的情人,再到普通人,也保持了他的核心身份和正直。尼斯(Harold Bloom)被哈罗德·布鲁姆(Harold Bloom)称为“莎士比亚(Shakespeare)在法尔斯塔夫(Falstaff)之前最吸引人的角色”,这是该剧的人类主播,也是对戏剧所传达的所有矛盾的欢乐接受的肯定。


和the reconciliation of Oberon and Titania, Bottom’s reunion with his colleagues, and three Athenian weddings, the plot complications are all happily resolved, and act 5 shifts the emphasis from the potentially destructive vagaries of love to a celebration of marriage to crown and contain human desire. Shakespeare’s final sleight of hand and delightful invention, however, is the play within the play, the “tedious and brief” and “very tragical mirth” of the performance ofPyramus and Thisbe底部和他的球员。在外观与现实之间的并发症的推动下,这部戏的乡村小丑的混乱无能的滑稽表演使悲惨的恋人对剧本的戏剧作出了适当的评论。戏剧Pyramus and Thisbe涉及另一组恋人,他们面临父母的反对意见并同样在自然界寻求救济,但他们的冒险经历了悲惨的糟糕。However, just as Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius avoid through the stage-managing of the fairies a potentially tragic fate from their ordeal in the wood, so is the tragic fate of Pyramus and Thisbe transformed to comedy by the ineptitude of Bottom’s company. The play within the play becomes a pointed microcosm for仲夏夜之梦从整体上将潜在悲剧转变为治疗喜剧。新婚夫妇,嘲笑Pyramus and Thisbe,无法与自己与爱情的荒谬相遇以及他们的机会从痛苦中拯救出来的联系,但实际的听众不应该。在莎士比亚的综合漫画视野中,我们俩都嘲笑他人的荒谬,同时在他们的困境中认识到自己。莎士比亚’s final point about the inseparability of reality and illusion is scored by having the fairy world coexist with the Athenian court at the play’s conclusion, decreasing the gap between fact and fancy and invading actuality itself by giving the final words to Puck, who addresses the audience directly:




仲夏夜之梦电子书PDF(5 MB)

哈罗德·布鲁姆(Harold Bloom),莎士比亚:人类PDF的发明(7 MB)


类别:Drama Criticism,,,,伊丽莎白汉诗歌和散文,,,,文学批评,,,,Literature


