

现代叙事理论始于1920年代的俄罗斯形式主义,特别是罗马·雅各布森(Roman Jakobson),尤里·泰尼诺夫(Yury Tynyanov)和维克托·什克洛夫斯基(Viktor Shklovsky)的作品。泰尼亚诺夫(Tynyanov)将他作为历史小说家的技巧与形式主义的作品结合在一起,雅各布森(Jakobson),《语言》(1928年),…阅读更多 >

罗马·雅各布森(Roman Jakobson)对俄罗斯形式主义的贡献

罗马雅各布森的作品在形式主义和结构主义的发展中占据了中心地位。雅各布森(Jakobson)是莫斯科的一位语言学家,于1915年共同创立了莫斯科语言圈,并与维克多·什克洛夫斯基(Viktor Shklovsky)和鲍里斯·艾奇鲍姆(Boris Eichenbaum)一起参与了……阅读更多 >


新的批评家试图系统化文学研究,并开发出一种以严格的文本研究为中心的方法。Thus it was distinctively formalist in character, focusing on the textual aspects of the text such as rhythm, metre, imagery and metaphor, by the method of close reading, as against reading that on the basis of external evidences such as the history, author’s biography or the socio-political/cultural conditions of the text’s production. Although the New Critics were against Coleridge’s Impressionistic Criticism, they seem to have inherited his concept of the poem as a unified organic whole which reconciles its internal conflicts and achieves a fine balance.