约翰·多恩(John Donne)的击球手分析我的心

批评家认为,一组约翰·多恩(John Donne)的圣十四行诗于1633年出版,其中包括“击球手我的心”,有时也被列为“击球手,三人,三人上帝”。它成为了形而上学诗人和诗歌风格的主要例子,并具有明显的异物语言(语音图)或比较。维多利亚时代的读者发现,多恩(Donne)对上帝对他一生的影响与强奸行为的影响的比较,使这首诗基本上从出版中消失直到在20世纪通过诗人T. S. Eliot和其他人的努力复活。十四行诗的歇斯底里语气源于冥想的传统,这可以用作情感刺激。他很典型的Donne,他强调了第一人称代词andme,使读者能够可视化演讲者的参与以及对他的体验的重要性,而强壮但简单的语言并没有分散读者的注意力,使读者从诗歌主题中分散了基督教对完全投降给上帝的重要性的重要性。虽然包括Donne Expert Helen Gardner在内的批评家坚持认为,只有通过讲道才能获得对Donne的“精神和道德成就”的真实评估,但十四行诗最好地揭示了他的extreme激情和狂喜的能力。

From the opening line, “Batter my heart, three person’d God,” the reader understands the speaker does not seek a Christian God who is gentle or compassionate. The three persons referenced constitute the holy trinity composed of Christ the Son, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, and the speaker commands that all three attack his heart, the termBatter建议重复打击。该线包含一个剖腹产,这是由于遵循撇号到上帝的半殖民地,然后继续进入第二行:敲,呼吸,发光并寻求修补。”这一系列动词反映了基督的各种圣经特征,敲门代表着打开门的礼貌要求。在启示录3:20中,基督在某种程度上说:“看,我站在门口,敲门:如果有人听到我的声音,打开门,我会来找他。”Donne将在整个十四行诗中扩大自负。


说话者不希望他的神犹豫在门口。他使用悖论解释说,为了让他“骑行,站着”,上帝必须“ o’erthrow”他。当矿石经过变革性的净化为有价值的金属时,他需要上帝的“力量,打破,吹,燃烧和使我新手”。Donne搬到了他最喜欢的隐喻之一中,表达了一个更大的地理位置,因为演讲者继续说:“我像一个篡夺的小镇一样,是另一个应有的应有的, /劳动来承认您。”他解释说,另一只力量已经超越了他,暗示了邪恶或魔鬼,并跟进了以前的提到,他指出他努力“承认”神灵,但无济于事:“但是o,结尾。”尽管逻辑应该使他采取行动,“理由您的总督里,我应该捍卫”。演讲者为他无能为力打开上帝温柔的刺激的大门提供了双重解释。他对逻辑的使用缺乏力量或证明是错误的,导致说话者“订婚给敌人”。在这里,Donne将通过律法与男人的承诺与对上帝的“敌人”或撒旦的承诺进行了比较。 The comparison refl ects on the biblical comparison of Christ to a bridegroom, with the church his bride.

我n the final four lines Donne builds to a mighty climax, avoiding the problem of a weak concluding couplet that some plagued some poets. He again turns to allusions to violence. Having introduced the idea of romantic love as a conceit, he extends that conceit, insisting that God “Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again.” By Jewish law an engagement proved as strong a bond as a marriage, and the betrothal “knot” that tied two people together could only be broken through a second decree of law, a divorce. The speaker then begins the three lines that depict one of the most violent of attacks, a rape, made clear through the use of “ravish”: “Take me to you, imprison me, for I / Except you’enthral me, never shall be free, / Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.” What some readers have missed is that Donne produces a double paradox, equating imprisonment with freedom and chastity with the act of sex, quite obviously not making a literal suggestion. In addition to the shocking allusion to violence, that a male would assume the role of the female as an object of attack was even more unusual, a fact of interest to later feminist and psychoanalytic critics.


Gardner, Helen, ed. John Donne: The Divine Poems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

Categories:ELIZABEHAN POETRY AND PROSE,,,,History of English Literature,,,,俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播,,,,文学,,,,诗歌


