Modernist Use of Myth

In an age that was wrought with scientism, technology and loss of spirituality, many of the major modernist writers realised and asserted the employment of integrative mythology in order to give “shape and significance” to the contemporary fragmented reality.



在现代文学中的神话使用强调了这个时代的古典语气。神话具有象征性的价值;它凝结了情绪和经验。TS艾略特荒地is perhaps the most representative of Modernist works with a profusion of mythical usage. TS Eliot employed the mythial method to accentuate the experiences of loss of fertility and death in The Waste land, which are tied together by the multiperspectival and mythical characterTiresias.



在很大程度上受到的影响Jessie Weston从仪式到浪漫JG FrazerThe Golden Boughmyth of the Fisher King -based on which, both these works focus on the persistence of the ancient fertility rituals in modem thought and religion. The Fisher King, who has been wounded in his genitals and whose lack of potency is the cause of his country becoming a desiccated ‘Waste Land’. The legend suggests that the healing of the Fisher King would lead to the country’s fetility; this healing of the Fisher King has been the subject of mythic tales in various cultures. Eliot adopts the Fisher King legend as appropriate to describe the condition of the modern society, with the difference that there is little scope for healing.

蒂雷西亚斯(Tiresias)(让人想起佛陀的讲话),《圣经的图像和象征意义》(The Fire Sermon),与圣杯的传说相关的圣经图像和象征意义,《雷声所说的话》,《来自奥义书》等是其他神话般的典故。



詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)Ulysses重现神话般的荷马奥德修斯进入现代Leopold Bloom并以讽刺的史诗般的方式讲述了他平凡的,肮脏的存在。Eugene O’Neillin哀悼变成伊莱克斯从Aeschylus的Oresteia到Lavinia Mannon,将希腊神话般的电气化。

WB Yeats与他的前任Blake一样,基于历史,占星术和神秘的材料以及由月球,大轮子和Gyres的阶段组成的,建造自己的系统神话,并阐述愿景并体现了许多非凡的抒情诗The Second Coming拜占庭




  1. 神话总是传达沮丧,黑暗,愤怒,而不是童话。这对社会没有任何好处。我想知道世界会停止阅读现实的文学。

  2. 阅读约瑟夫·坎贝尔(Joseph Campbell)的神话四个功能。

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