
作为诗人的艾略特(Eliot)早期和最形成性时期的影响是无可争议的,这是诗人在同时的信件中的证词和随后关于文学和文学作品的随后论文所证实的影响。在这些影响力中,最重要的是法国象征主义诗人朱尔斯·拉福格(Jules Laforgue),艾略特从中得知诗歌可以是出于共同的情感而产生的,而语言和语气的使用却不常见。毫无疑问,第二次接近的意大利文艺复兴时期的诗人但丁·阿利吉耶里(Dante Alighieri)对艾略特(Eliot)的作品和诗意的影响会随着每年的影响而增长。

第三个影响力必定来自诗人用艾略特(Eliot)自己的母语英语写作的诗人。但是,在那里,他不是从自己最直接的先驱中选择的,例如坦尼森或勃朗宁,甚至是他自己的近乎同时的同时代人,例如W. B. Yeats或Arthur Symons,当然也不是来自美国诗人,而是来自诗人和诗人和诗人。17世纪初期的小戏剧家,以一种风格和传统工作的英国作家群体被认为是形而上学的诗歌。


形而上学一词在哲学上比文学背景更有可能发现。形而上学是哲学探究和话语的分支,从字面上看,这些问题超出了物理(Meta-Meta-s te Heek of te Heek of“ Beyond”)。这些问题总的来说,都集中在本质上具有投机性的哲学问题上,这些问题是无法称重或衡量甚至存在的事物的案例,这些事物在人类文化中已经非常重要。因此,形而上学对神的观念,神性和所谓现实的构成的思想关注。



艾略特(Eliot)关于英语形而上学诗人的文章最初发表在时代文学补充作为对学者赫伯特·J·格里森(Herbert J.形而上学的歌词十七世纪的诗:多恩(Donne)到巴特勒(Butler)。In a fashion similar to the way in which Eliot launched into his famous criticism of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in “Hamlet and His Problems” by using an opportunity to review several new works of criticism on the play as a springboard to impart his own ideas, Eliot commends Grierson’s efforts but devotes the majority of his commentary otherwise to expressing his views on the unique contribution that形而上学诗一般来说,作为文学运动或学校的持续价值,使英国诗歌写作。的确,好像要强调他反对自己的观察,即形而上学的诗歌长期以来一直是虐待或不屑一顾的术语,艾略特首先要断言,要定义术语来定义的确切诗歌既是非常困难的”。同样难以识别其从业者。

在指出了在其他学校和运动中也可以将这些事情分类的方式归类之后,他迅速定居在一群诗人身上,他将其视为形而上学的诗人。其中包括约翰·多恩(John Donne),乔治·赫伯特(George Herbert),亨利·沃恩(Henry Vaughan),亚伯拉罕·亨利·考利(Abraham Henry Cowley),理查德·克鲁斯(Richard Carraw),安德鲁·马维尔(Andrew Marvell)和主教金(Bishop King),都是诗人,以及戏剧家托马斯·米德尔顿(Thomas Middleton),约翰·韦伯斯特(John John Webster)和西里尔·托尔尼尔(Cyril Tourneur)。


艾略特知道他说什么。He himself was a poet who could famously compare the evening sky to a patient lying etherized upon an operating room table without skipping a beat, so Eliot’s admiration for this capacity of the mind—or wit, as the metaphysicals themselves would have termed it—to discover the unlikeliest of comparisons and then make them poetically viable should come as no surprise to the reader.

艾略特(Eliot)永远不会否认,尽管这是形而上学诗歌的这一特征,即牵强的自负,使其从业者能够在肉体追求的世界中保持一只脚,而另一个在精神的考验中,但a poetic technique is not everyone’s cup of tea. The 18th-century English critic Samuel Johnson, for example, found their excesses deplorable and later famously disparaged metaphysical poetic practices in his accusation that in this sort of poetry “the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together.” Eliot will not attempt to dispute Johnson’s judgment, though it is clear that he does not agree with it. (Nor should that be any surprise either. Eliot’s own poetic tastes and techniques had already found fertile ground in the vagaries of the French symbolists, who would let no mere disparity bar an otherwise apt poetic comparison.)

相反,艾略特发现,这种“图像和乘以乘以相关的望远镜”是“在形而上学诗歌中可以找到的语言的一种来源之一”,然后他甚至提出了一定程度的“一定程度的”。heterogeneity of material compelled into unity by the operation of the poet’s mind is omnipresent in poetry.” What that means, by and large, is that these poets make combining the disparate the heart of their writing. It is on that count that Eliot makes his own compelling case for the felicities of metaphysical poetry, so much so that he will eventually conclude by mourning its subsequent exile from the mainstream of English poetic practice. It is this matter of the vitality of language that the metaphysical poets achieved that most concerns Eliot, and it is that concern that will lead him, in the remainder of this short essay, not only to lament the loss of that vitality from subsequent English poetry but to formulate one of his own key critical concepts, the dissociation of sensibility.


艾略特(Eliot)认为,这些诗人使用的语言“通常是纯粹和简单”,即使他们随后将其结构成“有时远不远的句子”。然而,对于艾略特来说,这不是“恶习”;这是思想和感觉的忠诚。在这个分数上 - 形而上学的诗歌使这两个极端的诗歌表达,思想和感觉,语法和音乐性统一 - 然后继续思考,这种诗歌是否不提供“永久有价值的东西”,而不是古朴的东西。。。不应该消失。”

在艾略特(Eliot)看来,这确实是因为约翰·米尔顿(John Milton)和约翰·德莱登(John Dryden)的影响力在他们的单独手中获得了兴奋,因为“虽然语言变得更加精致,但这种感觉变得更加粗糙。”通过鲜明的对比,艾略特看到了形而上学的诗人,他们平衡了思想和感觉,就像“将自己的博学融入他们的敏感性中的人”,从而成为诗人,他们可以“像玫瑰的气味一样立即感受到自己的思想”。随后的英国诗歌失去了这种即时性,艾略特认为,到艾略特的维多利亚时代前代坦尼森和布朗宁时代,情感时代已经开始了,在这种时代,人们的感觉已经超越了,而不是平衡。Rather than, like these “metaphysical” poets, trying to find “the verbal equivalents for states of mind and feeling” and then turning them into poetry, these more recent poets address their interests and, in Eliot’s view, then “merely meditate on them poetically.” That is not at all the same thing, nor is the result anywhere near as powerful and moving as poetic statement.





除了使艾略特(Eliot)能够通过奉献时,艾略特(Eliot敏感性的解离as Eliot’s own prominence as a man of letters increased, this review should finally be credited with having done far more, over time, than Grierson’s scholarly effort could ever have achieved in bringing English metaphysical poetry and its 17th-century practitioners back to some measure of respectability and prominence. For that reason alone, this short essay, along with传统和个人才华哈姆雷特和他的问题,不仅在艾略特佳能中,而且在20世纪英语的主要关键文件中找到了一个持久的位置。





    1. 英国国教著名人物 - 托马斯·特拉赫(Thomas Traherne)(音乐家,作家和诗人) - 9月27日 - 圣约翰的圣贝尼特·比斯科普分会

